Pierre Moscovici: Both fiscal and social impact of Greece's relief measures must be taken into account
Newsroom"We are in the process of assessing these measures for 2019 and 2020; we will do that in the framework of the enhanced surveillance report, which will be delivered in due time, which is not today," the commissioner noted. He added that, since Greece was no longer in a programme, the Greek authorities were ultimately fully responsible for presenting their own decisions but, since Greece was under enhanced surveillance, they must also take into account the impact of these measures on primary surpluses.
"It is in everybody's interest to continue [dialogue] and that is what we are doing with the Greek authorities, we are in constant contact with them," said Moscovici.
While this dialogue must be based on the measures fiscal impact, he added, it must also take into account their effects on growth and social inclusion, "because we believe that more growth and more social justice, more social fairness is of high importance for the Greek people after many years of difficulties, if not suffering."
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