English version|29.05.2019 15:09

Dep. FM Bolaris: Voters must not stay away or 'waste' their vote on election day


Deputy Foreign Minister Markos Bolaris on Wednesday warned against a high abstention rate or the squandering of votes in the upcoming general elections in statements to Athens-Macedonian News Agency on Wednesday.

"Democratic citizens are facing a period of high responsibility. Our responsibility is that we must never again adopt such a 'relaxed' approach to election proceedings...secondly, and this is related to the first, there must be absolutely no abstention. The impression that there was an overwhelming result against the democratic, progressive party, is wrong," stated Bolaris.

According to the deputy minister, the 9-9.5 pct lead for main opposition New Democracy was the result of the high abstention rate, especially among the 25-45 age group, which must not be repeated in the general elections. "We must all be present...we have a responsibility toward ourselves, toward our children, our country and our party," he added.

I am certain that last Sunday's shock will make the democratic citizens rally around and deliver a resounding answer and victory in the national elections, concluded Bolaris.

voterselectionsMarkos Bolaris