Varoufakis launches MeRA25's national election campaign in Athens
NewsroomMeRA25 leader Yanis Varoufakis on Wednesday said that ruling SYRIZA bound Greece to the fourth loan memorandum under terms "expanding the poverty of the national economy" while main opposition New Democracy "is preparing to sell out Greece to the profiteers", speaking at the party's launch of its campaign for the July 7 national elections in Athens.
At MeRA25's presser, the former Syriza finance minister mentioned that his party has become "a magnet of realistic hope that has been missing for the past four years".
On Greece's greatest threat in the north, Varoufakis said "the real threat north of the country's borders is not (North Macedonia's capital) Skopje, but Albania". He elaborated that if North Macedonia were to fall apart, it would create a large Albania, "a unification of Kosovo, Albania and Tetovo, thus serving as (Turkish President Recep Tayyip) Erdogan's frontline guard-post". This is something that "must be taken into account rather seriously in terms of protecting Greece from foreign malicious intents", he concluded.
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