English version|02.06.2019 18:52
Priest on Chios assaults MP visiting church over Prespes Agreement
NewsroomA priest on the island of Chios physically assaulted SYRIZA MP Andreas Michailidis when the latter visited his church in the village of Flatsia in order to attend a memorial service for a personal friend on Sunday.
As soon as the Sunday mass had ended, while still wearing his vestments, the priest took a handful of coins from the donations tray and threw them into the MP's face, shouting: "Take the 30 pieces of silver for which you sold Macedonia. Get out of here, traitor!! Get out of the Church!"
In order to avoid an incident, the MP departed and later confirmed to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA) that the incident had occurred, saying he will file a written complaint with the Metropolitan of Chios, Markos and notify the Holy Synod.
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