English version|03.06.2019 10:05
Results of second round of local administration elections
NewsroomMunicipality of Athens (with 99.26 percent of the votes counted)
Costas Bakoyiannis 65.25 pct
Nassos Iliopoulos 34.75 pct
Municipality of Thessaloniki (with 99.79 of the votes counted)
Constantinos Zervas 66.78 pct
Nikos Tahiaos 33.22 pct
Municipality of Patras (with 96.08 of the votes counted)
Costas Peletidis 70.97 pct
Grigoris Alexopoulos 29.03 pct
Municipality of Piraeus (with 99.01 of the votes counted)
Yiannis Moralis 57.79 pct
Nikos Vlahakos 42.21 pct
Regional Governors
Region of Attica (with 99.17 of the votes counted)
Giorgos Patoulis 65.77 pct
Rena Dourou 34.23 pct
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