English version|13.06.2019 16:20

Greek armed forces can guarantee country's safety and sovereignty, Defence Min Apostolakis says


Defence Minister Evangelos Apostolakis expressed his satisfaction over the Greek Navy's exercise "Storm 2019" that is in progress throughout the country, particularly in the region of the eastern Aegean. The minister observed on Friday a landing exercise on Samos from the warship Rhodos.

"This landing is part of the excercise which highlights interdisciplinarity at the highest level, since many and well-coordinated actions have to be carried out. It is one of the most difficult operations, which needs very close collaboration and coordination among the armed forces branches," Apostolakis said.

"The Greek armed forces proved again that they are competent and alert and can guarantee Greece's safety and sovereignty", the minister concluded.

Storm 2019Evangelos Apostolakis