English version | 24.06.2019 11:13

It is in the interest of all the Greeks to have a majority government, ND's Hatzidakis says


It is in the interest of all the Greeks to have a majority government, main opposition New Democracy (ND) vice-president Costas Hatzidakis said on Monday in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA).

He noted that "at this stage the country cannot be governed by minority governments ... it needs political, economic and social stability", pointing out that ND is ready to implement its program directly. "Our country has no more time to waste and we owe it to the citizens to be in vigilance from day one," he stressed.

The priority of the party if it wins the elections would be to reduce taxes. "For us, reducing taxes is the key to relieving Greeks in their everyday lives, but also to supporting entrepreneurship - especially the small and medium-sized ones - in order for our economy to start creating new quality jobs.".

Costas Hatzidakis