ND leader Mitsotakis says he will negotiate surplus targets with EU if elected
New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Monday he would negotiate with the EU to reduce the primary surplus targets as long as he gets a strong mandate in the July 7 general elections.
In an interview to New TV in Crete, the main opposition leader said, "Since Europe knows that I am a reformer, the agreement I would propose to Brussels is as follows: Give me some time to introduce reforms, and then help me reduce the surplus targets. This is an agreement that is being currently heard in Brussels; they've heard of it, it will not come as a surprise."
Among other issues, he said he would try to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, adding however that the EU's plan to introduce measures against Turkey's illegal actions in the Cyprus EEZ "is not independent from the continuation of the Greek-Turkish talks."
The ND leader also said the 3.5 pct target for the primary surplus for 2019 can be met, and added that "there is no issue of taking additional tax measures on Greek citizens within 2019 or after." He stressed again that "new investments (will bring) many good jobs, additional investments and more revenues to the state budget."
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