English version | 26.06.2019 15:54

Achtsioglou: We are dreaming of a Greece in which the crisis will belong to the past


We are planning and dreaming of a Greece where the crisis will finally be in the past and, for this reason, now that we have the opportunity to do more, the people's choice (in the elections) is extremely important," noted SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance spokesperson Effie Achtsioglou.

Achtsioglou expressed certainty that SYRIZA can come first in the elections, notwithstanding ND's substantial lead in the European polls, noting that the 'battle is still open' and that the stakes are different.

"The citizens are aware that they are voting about their life," she said, and reiterated the government's committment for the creation of 500,000 jobs to restore the one million jobs lost during the crisis, noting that this target was "entirely realistic and based on all we achieved in our four-year term."