English version|28.06.2019 16:25

Mitsotakis: ND brings message of hope against fear and insecurity


New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis reiterated on Friday during his visit to the town of Orestiada that the tension in Greek-Turkish relations provoked by Turkey's violations in Cyprus' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) "is an issue that also concerns the EU and its relations with Turkey because the EU's energy policy depend on hydrocarbon exploration conducted in the Eastern Mediterranean, so if Turkey continues to violate International law then the EU should impose sanctions".

He said that his party brings a message of hope to counter fear and insecurity, adding that his party's plan for Greece is lower taxes, more jobs and greater security.

Explaining the reasons why he is asking for a strong mandate, Mitsotakis noted that the country will "be plunged into new adventures" if New Democracy does not have a strong mandate of the day after the elections.

Mitsotakis, who is touring the region of Evros, will next visit the town of Didymoticho.

Kyriakos MitsotakiselectionsNew Democracy