Gennimata: Tsipras "bankrupted the good name of the Left"
Movement for Change (Kinima Allagis, KINAL) leader Fofi Gennimata on Wednesday accused Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of "bankrupting the good name of the Left" through his policies and his alliance with the right-wing Independent Greeks party, commenting on the prime minister's interview with SKAI TV on Tuesday night.
Speaking to SKAI radio, Gennimata predicted that Tsipras will "collapse" in the coming period "as he has no party and no connections to the union movement and the society." Tsipras had "divorced himself" from progressive politicis and had "nothing to do with the principles and the values of the Left," she added.
She also underlined that KINAL is the progressive party and the only counterweight to conservatism "Tsipras has implemented the harshest right-wing policies", she added.
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