President Pavlopoulos: The robustness of the representative democracy depends on the citizens' participation
Newsroom"The robustness of our representative democracy depends on the citizens' participation" President of Republic Prokopios Pavlopoulos said during his meeting with caretaker Interior Minister Antonis Roupakiotis on Friday at the presidential mansion.
He thanked Roupakiotis for the briefing and noted "We must not forget that now it is the citizen's time".
On his part, Roupakiotis underlined that the services of the Interior Ministry are ready to organise the elections rapidly and in conditions of credibility.
"The wanted is, Mr. President, for which I am certain that it is also your wish knowing your institutional sensitivity all these years, is the Greeks to go to polls to vote. We have only one option; to invite them and persuade them" said Roupakiotis.
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