English version
13.07.2019 22:39
Hatzidakis: 'bad choices' have made PPC lose 90 pct of its worth
Newsroom"The Public Power Corporation (PPC) currently has a hard time even buying poles!" Environment and Energy Minister Costis Hatzidakis commented on private Skai television on Saturday, noting that "bad choices, chiefly the agreement between SYRIZA and the troika that the PPC should go from 90 pct of the market to 50 pct in five years with nothing given in exchange, have led it to lose 90 pct of its worth."
"Not many of my colleagues would envy me for the area I have taken over," the minister said, promising to do his best and with the "greatest possible social sensitivity and the greatest determination to keep the PPC and its workers standing upright".
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