English version|14.07.2019 18:49

Plan to rescue the PPC 'urgent' but consumers will be protected, Hatzidakis says


A plan to rescue the Public Power Corporation (PPC) was urgent, as the utility was on the verge of collapse, but will be carried out with the greatest possible social sensitivity, Environment and Energy Minister Kostis Hatzidakis said in an interview in the newspaper "RealNews" on Sunday.

"The PPC has a wound that must be urgently healed," he noted, adding that every effort will be made to protect consumers, such as by launching coordinated action to collect some 3.0 billion euros in arrears owed to the company, with emphasis on 'strategic' debtors.

"We are striving for a plan to save both the staff and the business," he said.

Public Power CorporationKostis Hatzidakis