SYRIZA former ministers Achtsioglou, Alexiadis comment on changes in agencies
NewsroomAbolishing the independence of the Hellenic Labor Inspectorate (SEPE) and bringing it under the General Secretariat of Labor "is a clear move to undermine it," SYRIZA state deputy and former Labor minister Effie Achtsioglou said on Thursday, reacting to reorganization by the New Democracy (ND) government of secretariats.
"It is obvious that unlawfulness in the labor market does not seem to be important enough for the new government to retain SEPE's independence," Achtsioglou said, charging the government with "revoking the institutional protection of workers."
A presidential decree (84/2019) has laid out the changes, which include bringing the financial crimes squad (SDOE) under a General Secretariat for Taxation Policy and Public Assets.
Earlier, main opposition Syriza MP and former alternate Finance minister Tryfon Alexiadis had described the SDOE move as "the best gift to tax evaders, black marketeers and other financial criminals." The agency, he said, "was for many years at the forefront of the taxation system, with several and important achievements under its belt," including investigating the so-called Lagarde list of possible tax evaders.
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