Citizen Protection Min at Evros: 'The country's security is non-negotiable'
NewsroomSpeaking from the Evros region, at Greece's northern borderline, Citizen Protection Minister Michalis Chrisochoidis on Saturday said that "the current government is embracing all those who work hard at the borders to secure our country and will support them," at the Orestiada Police Department's Border Guard, at Cheimonio.
Chrisochoidis visited border guard patrols, took part in an amphibious patrol at the Evros Delta, and he also met-briefed regional New Democracy MPs and one local SYRIZA MP.
The Citizen Protection Minister explained more about the significance of his visit at Evros, and said that he visited "to find out more about the very important task of guarding the borders, which in Evros bears a national dimension."
He added that he wanted to also "send a message in every direction that Greece is guarding its borders and from now on it will guard them even more effectively. Human rights are non-negotiable, but at the same time the country's security is equally non-negotiable. Greece respects human rights as a rule of law, and this will always remain a rule of law.". He finally expressed his "wholehearted support and congratulations to the border guards here in Evros who perform such an important task (...) and these are not just the words of a politician who makes a formal visit," he concluded characteristically.
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