FinMin outlines enhanced interoperability between AADE and wider public administration
Actions, interventions and priorities concerning the digital interconnection of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE) tax registry with other services in the wider public sector were determined in a Thursday meeting among the Minister of Finance Christos Staikouras, the Deputy Minister of Finance on Tax Policy and Public Assets Apostolos Vessiropoulos, and AADE Director Giorgos Pitsilis.
The Finance Ministry announced the following specific upgrade policy action plan:
- AADE's interconnection with municipal registry offices, Metropolitan Churches and the Citizens' Registry of the Interior Ministry, so as to automatically update AADE's records on changes in the taxpayer's marital status and also deaths.
- Tax authorities will automatically be informed of changes in residence permits in Greece for migrants and refugees.
- Interconnection of AADE with the General Commercial Registry (GEMI), in order to automatically update tax services on changes in the status of each business, namely start of business, termination, changes in shares and more.
Also discussed was the completion of the reconstruction of the building of the Customs & Taxation Academy in order to create a modern and appropriate environment for the executives studying there.
After the meeting Staikouras said that "the finance ministry's strategic goal is to constantly upgrade and utilize modern technology, to quickly and effectively serve citizens and businesses, and relieve them of the need to visit more services to declare all-same actions. We support AADE so as to complete the project as soon as possible."
The AADE director stated that "we are steadily focused on the full digital transformation of AADE and are utilizing best international practices, so our services are rapidly completing a range of project changes aimed at building a trust-and-confidence relationship with the public," and concluded that "both the recent interoperability with the Greek Police on changes in IDs and the forthcoming links we discussed with the (Fin) minister are a very important step in this direction."
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