Pyatt: Greek sovereignty is indisputable and certainly recognised by the US
NewsroomGreece's sovereignty is indisputable, U.S. Ambassador in Athens Geoffrey Pyatt said on Tuesday, replying to reporters' questions at a press conference on the participation of the United States in the 84th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) in 2019.
"Greece's sovereignthy is indisputable and certainly recognised by the United States," Pyatt said, adding: "Consequently, I would not be especially worried over maps."
A recent photograph posted by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, where he is shown standing in front of a map where half the Aegean is depicted as Turkish territory, has caused a furore in Greece and prompted Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias to reply that "the borders of countries are not defined by whatever map a person might like to draw but on the basis of international law."
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