English version|07.09.2019 21:01

Hatzidakis: 'We are entering an era of growth for all'


"This year, we want to send a message that we are kickstarting the economy and entering an era of growth for all," Environment and Energy Minister Kostis Hatzidakis said on Saturday, in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA) radio station 'Praktoreio 104.9'.

"We want to underline that investments are the main requirement and, naturally, that policies for energy and the environment have a special role in this effort. We believe that these two policies can be 'married' since we are heading, in any case, toward a 'greening' of energy with emphasis on renewable energy sources," the minister added.

Asked if the targets were achievable, Hatzidakis said the effort was part of overall government policy and "contributes to the modernisation of the country and adapting to what is the case in advanced European countries."

"Our effort is for energy to create jobs, on the one hand, and be in step with modern environmental requirements, on the other hand," the minister said.

greek economyKostis Hatzidakis