AADE launches offsetting of unpaid tax refunds against overdue debts
NewsroomGreece's Independent Authority for Public Revenues (AADE) has launched the automatic offsetting of tax rebates due since 2015 with tax payers' unsettled debts, informing the parties involved via e-mail.
The e-mail describes the standard procedure that AADE follows in such cases, informing tax-payers that their rebate has been automatically offset against their debt:
"We inform you that there has been an automatic offsetting of your debts (not in any settlement) with sums to be refunded from the Natural Persons Income Tax for the years 2015-2019 and/or with sums that you have paid at a bank and that were outstanding at your tax office," the e-mail says, noting that tax-payers should be advised of their new, reduced debt by logging into their TAXISnet account.
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