English version | 03.10.2019 13:01

GSEE sends clean-up crews to remove strike posters in Athens


Trade unions that are members of the General Confederation of Employees of Greece (GSEE), acting on the suggestions of GSEE's environmental secretariat, on Thursday announced that special clean-up crews have been sent to remove posters and other material linked to Wednesday's rally in central Athens. The unions had participated in a 24-hour strike and rally held on Wednesday at GSEE's recommendation.

"We want to thank the Greek capital and its citizens for 'tolerating' this method of promoting our positions for a few days and state that we are making every possible effort to minimise the pollution of the urban environment. Our aim in the immediate future is to make greater use of the mass media and the internet to spread the message of our unions. The struggle for free, independent, democratic, innovative, and environment-friendly unions continues," said GSEE in an announced on Thursday.

General Confederation of Employees of Greeceposters