English version | 20.10.2019 17:52

Government's top priority the attraction of foreign capitals, Varvitsiotis says


Alternate Foreign Minister responsible for European issues Miltiadis Varvitsiotis set as the government's top priority the attraction of foreign capitals for the "formation of an attractive, investment-friendly, economic environment, in an interview with the Sunday newspaper Nea Selida.

"The government's slogan is growth for all" he noted.

Referring to the issue of migrants and refugees flow, he reassured that "the Greek government is taking all the necessary measures to prevent a new 2015" adding that "We will not allow Turkey to blackmail Europe with the migration flows".

He noted that for the government the way to resolve the Greek-Turkish problems is the political dialogue and the diplomacy and "on this basis we want to build the Greek-Turkish relationship".

priorityMiltiadis Varvitsiotis