English version|21.10.2019 14:51
"We are making an effort to meet the people that support us", Tsipras says
Newsroom"This is my second tour for the reconstruction of SYRIZA and the Progressive Alliance", main oppostion SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras said on Monday, during his tour of Crete.
"We are carrying out a great campaign to meet the people that have been supporting us for eight years now, giving battles in the name of SYRIZA, battles of historic importance, with great victories and defeats - because this is life; it has victories and defeats, it has uphills and downhills", he said.
Tsipras added that he wants to meet these people and tell them: "Look, we don't just want you to be just a voter and applaud us in the rallies; we want to share in the responsibility, to create a big, majority party of progress, a great democratic party of the left".
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