English version|25.10.2019 16:54

Greece's business environment changing from today, Dev. Min. Georgiadis says


"Starting from today, the business environment in Greece is changing," stated Investments and Development Minister Adonis Georgiadis in an interview with Alpha radio on Friday.

Referring to the law for promoting investments and growth that was passed late Thursday in parliament, the minister noted that this had not come under strong criticism from the opposition parties. "The roll call vote was not held in a climate of conflict. What is now the law "Invest in Greece" attracted more votes than are in the government majority," he said.

The announcements for major strikes and marches were "fairy tales," he noted. "When a social issue arises you can see it in the streets. This law did not provoke any major clash," he said.

The minister urged entrepreneurs to see this an opportunity they must seize. He stressed that there must be a hiring of staff and an end to black labour to stop, noting that entrepreneurs must meet their obligations "as we meet ours."

Adonis Georgiadis