Suspension of primary residence protection inconceivable, SYRIZA's Pappas says
Newsroom"It would be inconceivable for a country that inherited so many problems from deep recession to go to a regime of total liberation of home foreclosures and suspension of primary residence protection," stated SYRIZA MP responsible for Economy Nikos Pappas in an interview with Open TV on Thursday quoting the Anti-Poverty Network which said that "40 percent of the population is facing difficulties in addressing the housing cost."
Pappas noted that this means that in Greece we do not have strategic bad-payers as it is the case in economies that did not experience the crisis at the level we experienced it.
He added that the negative economic figures such as lower industrial production and exports and the rise of unemployment above one million people as a result of New Democracy's policy put more pressure on Greek over-indebted households.
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