SYRIZA leader Tsipras tours the island of Naxos
Earlier, Tsipras walked about the town and spoke with local residents and shopowners about their issues.🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras spoke of a "sad picture" during his visit to the island of Naxos on Friday, noting that the repercussions from the pandemic were major, while the government's handling the crisis "makes the problem bigger." He was speaking after his meeting with the mayor and the municipal council.
Earlier, Tsipras walked about the town and spoke with local residents and shopowners about their issues. He expressed fears that the "recession will be terrifying" and that Greece was in danger of losing everything it had built in five years.
Tsipras' visit to Naxos will continue with meetings with the local agencies and associations and a visit to the village of Apiranthos, birthplace of the recently deceased SYRIZA MEP Manolis Glezos.
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