Tsakalotos critical of government's handling of recession caused by Covid-19
The development minister asserts that a 15.2 pct recession is not so bad because other countries are also in a deep recession. If a 15.2 pct recesssion does not trouble the minister, I really don't know what could🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Main opposition SYRIZA deputy Euclid Tsakalotos, responsible for economic issues in the party, on Monday criticised the government over its handling of the recession provoked by the pandemic.
"The development minister asserts that a 15.2 pct recession is not so bad because other countries are also in a deep recession. If a 15.2 pct recesssion does not trouble the minister, I really don't know what could," he said in a written statement.
At the same time, Tsakalotos added the following comment: "Let's be absolutely clear. Nobody is denying that the pandemic is an external factor and extremely bad for the economy. The question, however, is that the governmment must finally choose which weapons it will use and when, decide who it will support and what priorities it will set."
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