SYRIZA's Achtsioglou: Gov't 'uttering oracles' instead of having concrete plan
instead of a concrete plan, the government is uttering oracles on the size of the economic disaster that its choices will cause🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance sector-head for finance, Effie Achtsioglou, on Thursday said the government appeared to lack a concrete plan but was instead "uttering oracles" on the extent of economic damage that would follow a lockdown.
"According to Mr. Staikouras (Finance Minister), the Greek economy could withstand a second lockdown on Tuesday but on Thursday it can't, after all, even if there are cash reserves for any choice the government makes," she said, adding that "instead of a concrete plan, the government is uttering oracles on the size of the economic disaster that its choices will cause, after it allowed the economy to sink into an unprecedented recession and demolished the labour market.".
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