Budget revenues to rise 7.1 pct in 2021, draft budget plan
Budget revenues are projected to rise by 7.1 pct in 2021🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Budget revenues are projected to rise by 7.1 pct in 2021 to 53.705 billion euros, up 3.558 billion from 2020 estimates, the draft budget plan said. More specifically, proceeds from tax on goods and services are projected to reach 27.473 billion euros, up 3.537 billion from 2020 estimates, tax on imports are expected to reach 293 million euros, up 51 million from 2020 estimates, regular property taxes are projected to reach 2.688 billion, other taxes on production are estimated at 1.149 billion euros, income taxes are projected at 15.199 billion, capital taxes at 246 million, social contributions at 54 million, proceeds from transfers at 6.647 billion euros, proceeds from selling goods and services at 635 million, proceeds from selling fixed assets at 30 million and tax returns at 5.278 billion euros, up 352 million from 2020 estimates.
Budget spending for 2021 is projected at 63.884 billion euros, down 4.645 billion from 2020 estimates. Spending on social benefits is projected at 225 million euros and spending on workers are projected at 13.424 billion euros.
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