Gennimata urges gov't to bring law depriving Golden Dawn of political rights
"After the historic decision that condemned Golden Dawn, the priority to be finished for good with the neonazis," she added.🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Opposition Movement for Change (KINAL) leader Fofi Gennimata on Friday repeated her call to the government to immediately introduce an amendment that will deprive Golden Dawn and its members of their political rights, following a court ruling that GD was set up and run as a criminal organisation.
"Mr. Mitsotakis on Thursday you refused to accept KINAL's regulation on the former SYRIZA government's unacceptable amendment, which did not deprive Golden Dawn members of their political rights. Accept the relevant amendment, even now, or bring related legislation to parliament immediately," she said, noting that anything else would indicate an excess of hypocrisy.
"After the historic decision that condemned Golden Dawn, the priority to be finished for good with the neonazis," she added.
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