German FM Maas' message before his trip to Cyprus and Greece
called on Turkey to stop "the game of switching between de-escalation and provocation"🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
German Foreign Minister Haiko Maas, in a statement on Tuesday before his departure for Greece and Cyprus, called on Turkey to stop "the game of switching between de-escalation and provocation" and "not shut the window for dialogue with Greece once again through unilateral actions". He also warned Ankara that doing the things announced in its latest Navtex would greatly set back its relations with the EU.
"Cyprus and Greece are our partners in the EU," Maas said, adding that the reason for his visit to Nicosia and Athens was to assure them of the EU's full solidarity, in the context of his role as chair of the EU council of ministers.
The German minister pointed out that the geography of the Eastern Mediterranean will not change and Turkey will remain a neighbour of Greece and Cyprus. For this reason, he added, all the parties must continue to work for a "judicious neighbourly relationship". This requires a sincere effort on all sides, Maas said and added: Exploratory talks can only lead to the goal if there is a constructive atmosphere.
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