Peloni: The health system is under pressure, but it will endure
in the last few days there has been an increase in cases🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
"The health system is under pressure, but it is enduring and will endure", government spokesperson Aristotelia Peloni said on Wednesday in an interview with public broadcaster ERT.
Peloni added that "the emergency plan of the health ministry regarding the participation of the private sector has recently entered into force. The private sector is already cooperating and Health Minister Vassilis Kikilias will make announcements in the afternoon regarding the further strengthening of the national health and its cooperation with the private sector".
Peloni underlined that "in the last few days there has been an increase in cases. We expect to see if the increase in positivity rate is circumstantial or if it is something else that should concern us. Obviously the committee needs more information to judge what the situation is and what the next decisions will be. There is fatigue in society, but we must not ignore that the measures have paid off."
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