The mandate of the Greek people will be clear, Pappas says
The political climate for our party is rapidly improving", Minister for Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media, said🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The mandate of the Greek people will be clear and indisputable, Minister for Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media Nikos Pappas said on Friday from Alexandroupolis.
"It is now almost one week before the elections and SYRIZA - Progressive Alliance has built up a momentum that has been embraced by the Greek people. The political climate for our party is rapidly improving," Pappas said.
The goal, as Pappas said, is to regain the jobs lost during the crisis. "In the first four years, we have managed to create 400,000 new jobs. The goal for the next year is to repeat this. Greece needs this, we lost a million jobs in the crisis. There is a way to get them back. And this is the left progressive government," the minister said.
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