Greece and Turkey to continue discussion on CBMs soon, Greek defence ministry says
Talks during the first meeting in Athens were held in a constructrive atmosphere🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The discussion between Greek and the Turkish delegations to explore possible Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) between the two countries will continue in the near future in Turkey, a Greek defence ministry announcement said on Friday.
Talks during the first meeting in Athens were held in a constructrive atmosphere, the same announcement said. The aim of the meeting in Athens, the first of a series of similar meetings that have been agreed, was to explore, at a staff level, possible actions or activities in the framework of CBMs for the prevention and avoidance of tension during military activities.
Defence Minister Evangelos Apostolakis received the heads of the Turkish delegation on May 22, concluded the announcement.
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