Over 45,000 taxpayers sign up the first week of the 120-installment debt repayment plan
The applications concern arrears of 402 million euros in total, of which 311 million are the main outstanding debt and 91 million are add-on fines and fees🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Over 45,000 taxpayers have signed up electronically for the government's new 120-installment plan to settle arrears, officials said on Thursday.
According to the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE), the signups occurred within the first week its e-platform went live.
The applications concern arrears of 402 million euros in total, of which 311 million are the main outstanding debt and 91 million are add-on fines and fees.
The Finance Ministry is expected to extend the application deadline beyond the date of national elections, to be held on July 7.
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