Greece will continue to be a top tourist destination, UNWTO sec gen says
Ιnternational arrivals of tourists increased by 6 percent in 2018 and exceeded 1.4 billion🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
A significant part of Europe's popularity as a tourist destination is due to the southern countries, including Greece, which is and will continue to be a top tourist destination, according to the UNWTO Secretary General, Zurab Pololikashvili.
At the same time, international arrivals of tourists increased by 6 percent in 2018 and exceeded 1.4 billion, and it seems that this rise will also continue in 2019 at a moderate pace, Pololikashvili said to the Athens-Macedonian News Agecy (ANA).
Referring to Greece, he stressed that it is a valuable member of the Organization at all levels and that its role in the development of Silk Road is a key one. He also congratulated Greece for its recent election to the Regional Committee for Europe for the period 2019-2021.
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