Growth rate of taxpayers' arrears to the state slowed in April
The growth rate of new arrears slowed significant, a report by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue said on Monday🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Taxpayers' arrears to the state reached 104.318 billion euros in April, almost unchanged from March (104.315 billion), but the growth rate of new arrears slowed significant, a report by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue said on Monday.
New arrears to the state grew by 265 million euros in April from March, totaling 2.901 billion euros in the January-April period, from 2.636 billion in the first quarter of 2019. New arrears exclusively from taxes totaled 2.734 billion euros in the four-month period from 2.506 billion in the January-March period.
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