Greece is not Europe's black sheep anymore, Alt. Environment Min Famellos says
‘’The circular economy is now at the epicentre of Greece's growth strategy’’ noted Alternate Environment and Energy Minister🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
"Greece is not Europe's black sheep in environment issues any more. The circular economy is now at the epicentre of Greece's growth strategy and the conditions have been created in order for Greece to have more freedom and the fundamental conditions for prosperity and growth," noted Alternate Environment and Energy Minister Sokratis Famellos on Wednesday, addressing an event on the 10-year action of Hellenic Federation of Enterprises' (SEV) council for sustainable growth.
On his part, the governor of the bank of Greece Yannis Stournaras said at the same event: "The current conjuncture is very crucial under the prism of climate change, as policies for dealing with this are delayed so that there is now talks of a climate crisis. In this context, four aspects emerge as main prerequisites for achieving sustainable growth. The circular economy, energy transformation, environment protection and the creation of value for society".
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