US Ambassador Pyatt: Turkey should stop "escalatory, provocative actions"
"Now is a time for dialogue and not for further escalatory, provocative actions,” he said🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

US Ambassador to Greece Geoffrey Pyatt sent a clear message to Turkey to stop provocative actions in Cyprus and said that its time for dialogue, speaking at a ceremony at the Stefanovikeio air base in the region of Magnisia after the delivery of 70 Kiowa Warrior helicopters and the last of 10 Chinook helicopters.
"Now is a time for dialogue and not for further escalatory, provocative actions,” he added.
Asked to comment on the fact that the EU is examining the possibility of taking measures against Turkey's violent attitude in the Eastern Mediterranean, Pyatt said the United States and the European Union "share a perspective on developments in the waters off of Cyprus, and in particular, our shared interest in avoiding any further provocative actions by Turkey.”
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