Greek FM Katrougalos welcomes EU initiative on Turkey, in interview with CNA
Katrougalos welcomed the EU's decision to take targeted measures against Turkey over its drilling activity within the territorial waters of the Cyprus Republic, saying that it's the first time the EU "moves from words to actions."🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Nicosia and Athens "won a significant diplomatic battle" at the EU in terms of Turkey, Greek Foreign Minister Giorgos Katrougalos said on Monday, in an interview to Cyprus News Agency.
Katrougalos welcomed the EU's decision to take targeted measures against Turkey over its drilling activity within the territorial waters of the Cyprus Republic, saying that it's the first time the EU "moves from words to actions."
This doesn't mean an immediate halt in Turkish illegal actions, he said, "but it does mean that as long as Ankara persists (in these actions), it loses diplomatically, becoming further isolated, and this increasing isolation threatens its very fragile economy."
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