ND's Mitsotakis calls on people to vote in the elections
Referring to social benefits, he said that they provide a kind of relief to many citizens, but he stressed that New Democracy does not want citizens that rely on social benefits. ND wants people to have proper jobs, he added🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Main opposition New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis in an interview with ANT1 TV late on Tuesday made a call to all Greeks to vote in the elections.
He spoke of an overall disappointment with the political system, because politicians failed to address a huge crisis that made a lot of people suffer. He also attributed this disappointment to the lies that had been said. As he explained, people can forgive politicians for what they did not manage to do, but they cannot forgive them for lack of courage and political sincerity.
Referring to social benefits, he said that they provide a kind of relief to many citizens, but he stressed that New Democracy does not want citizens that rely on social benefits. ND wants people to have proper jobs, he added.
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