Chalkidiki: Seven dead, 26 hospitalized due to severe storm, Health Min. says
All hospitals and health centers in northern Greece have been placed under alert for first aid🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

The hospital of Poligiros, the "Papanikolaou" and "Gennimatas" hospitals and the Health Center of Moudania have examined a total of 120 people following the severe storm that hit the Chalkidiki peninsula, the Ministry of Health announced on Thursday afternoon, confirming the death of seven of these.
The injured and the dead were transferred to hospitals either privately or through the EKAV emergency ambulance services.
Of the 120, 9 are hospitalized in Papanikolaou Hospital in Thessaloniki (one of them, a woman, in the intensive care unit); 12 are in the Poligiros hospital on Chalkidiki; and five children are at Gennimatas with light injuries.
All hospitals and health centers in northern Greece have been placed under alert for first aid.
Coordinating all hospital-related actions is Health Minister Vassilis Kikilias, in collaboration with the National Center of Health Operations (EKEPI) and Civil Protection.
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