French stabbing victim's 44-year-old partner to face Heraklion prosecutor
The couple were holidaying on the island and had rented a room at Tsoutsouro, the Minoa Pediados municipality🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
A 44-year-old French woman, the girlfriend of a 53-year-old French man found stabbed to death in a Crete resort on Tuesday, has been arrested and taken to the Heraklion police headquarters. She is to go before a Heraklion public prosecutor, mostly probably on Wednesday morning.
The couple were holidaying on the island and had rented a room at Tsoutsouro, the Minoa Pediados municipality.
The man was found stabbed in the chest in his rented rooms in the early hours of Tuesday, by an ambulance crew called by the owner, while the woman was also locked inside the same premises.
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