President Pavlopoulos airs his deep sorrow and condolences on tragic US mass shootings
Greek President sent a message to US President Donald Trump, the American people and the families of the victims🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Greek President Prokopios Pavlopoulos on Sunday sent a message to US President Donald Trump, the American people and the families of the victims of the bloody mass shootings in the United States, in which he aired his repugnance, deep sorrow and condolences.
Here follows the full statement of the Greek Presidency:
"The Secretary General of the Presidency of the Hellenic Republic, Ambassador Georgios Gennimatas, today contacted the US Ambassador to Athens, Geoffrey Pyatt, in order to express the repugnance, deep sorrow and condolences of the President of the Hellenic Republic Prokopios Pavlopoulos, to President Trump, the American people and the families of the victims, regarding the bloody attacks at El Paso in Texas and Dayton in Ohio."
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