PM Mitsotakis meets Patriarch of Alexandria Theodoros II
Prime Minister thanked the Patriarch for his visit, emphasized the timely support of Greece to the Patriarchate and its work🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 2 λεπτά ┋

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Wednesday met with Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa Theodoros II at Maximos Mansion.
Theodoros reportedly emphasized the importance of the African continent in the modern world and called for the Prime Minister's support for the missionary work carried out by the Patriarchate of Alexandria.
Particular emphasis was put on Egypt and the long-standing friendship ties between the two countries, and Theodoros invited the Prime Minister to visit the Patriarchate's headquarters in Alexandria at his earliest convenience.
Mitsotakis thanked the Patriarch for his visit, emphasized the timely support of Greece to the Patriarchate and its work, and expressed his deep appreciation and respect for the Patriarch.
Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister for Expatriate Greeks Antonis Diamataris also earlier met with Theodoros II, to whom he said that the Greek state "has always been on the side of the Church, in support of its humanitarian and pastoral action."
Patriarch Theodoros initially referred to the wealthy charity work of the Patriarchate, which oversees 2,000 schools and 3,500 medical centers, providing their services free of charge, then spoke of the plan to create the Academy of Hellenism 'Alexander the Great' at the Averofeo Foundation in Alexandria.
The foundation would aim to offer seminars on Greek language, culture and history to the younger generation of Greeks and Egyptians.
Theodoros also briefed Diamataris on the renovation of the Patriarchal Library by the Anastasios Leventis Foundation, and invited Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister for Expatriate Greeks Antonis Diamataris to visit Alexandria.
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