Tsipras accuses ND of 'ideological obsession' on the university asylum
Main opposition SYRIZA leader accused New Democracy government of "ideological obsession" on the issue of the university asylum🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras accused New Democracy (ND) government of "ideological obsession" on the issue of the university asylum addressing the parliament during the debate of a bill that includes the abolition of the asylum on Thursday.
"Your ideological obsession concerns the Greek public university and whatever this socially, politically and culturally symbolises for our country" he said.
Tsipras said that ND's obsession starts from its inherent aversion to the public and its bias in favour of the private universities and of course its obsession to anything symbolises, at political and ideological level, the public universities in Greece.
Tsipras also accused the government of "extreme-right ideology".
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