Shipping Min Plakiotakis: Samothrace-Alexandroupolis ferry link guaranteed
Plakiotakis said that the catamaran Andros Jet will continue to link Alexadroupolis with Samothrace and on Wednesday 21 August🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

Shipping Minister Yiannis Plakiotakis in statements to Athens-Macedonian News Agency on Tuesday said that Samothrace-Alexadroupolis ferry route will be guaranteed either the SAOS company's ferry is found seaworhty or not.
Plakiotakis said that the catamaran Andros Jet will continue to link Alexadroupolis with Samothrace and on Wednesday 21 August adding that today the ministry will have a complete image on SAOS' ferry restoration works
Referring to the Iranian tanker Adrian Darya that is sailing in the Mediterranean, the minister said that it has not submitted an official request to enter a Greek port while it is monitored by the Greek authorities and the Automatic Identification Systerm (AIS).
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