There is enormous mobilization of all forces, Theodorikakos says
"I believe that the situation will not get any worse," said Interior Minister, who is in Nea Makri where a big fire broke out earlier on Thursday🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

"There is enormous mobilization of all forces. I believe that the situation will not get any worse," said Interior Minister Takis Theodorikakos, who is in Nea Makri where a big fire broke out earlier on Thursday. "All forces involved are doing their best," he added.
The fire broke out at 2.17 in the Livisi area of Nea Makri and is now in recession, according to Civil Protection Secretary General Nikos Chardalias, but the situation remains dangerous. The fire was initially located near homes, but then changed direction to a forest area.
The firefighting forces are constantly being strengthened. A total of 138 firefighters with 44 vehicles, 4 aircraft and 5 helicopters are currently operating. They are also assisted by tankrers, machinery, volunteer firefighters and the Greek Police.
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