Georgiadis: It is time for serious U.S. investments in Greece
In a Twitter post, Pyatt noted that it was an excellent meeting with Minister Adonis Georgiadis and Secretary Ross🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Development and Investment Adonis Georgiades presented to US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross the new draft development law, during their meeting on Thursday in the presence of US Ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey Pyatt.
"The meeting went very well. I would like to thank all my associates and especially the deputy ministers who were able to answer all the questions of the US delegation and Mr Ross", Georgiadis said after the meeting.
"We also presented the development law we are preparing, which excited the Americans who said that such initiatives are transforming the country and it is time to invest in Greece. So we believe it was a very important meeting", he said.
In a Twitter post, Pyatt noted that it was an excellent meeting with Minister Adonis Georgiadis and Secretary Ross, focusing on plans for government reforms that will attract more U.S. investment, the strong U.S. interest in the Hellenikon project, upcoming privatisations, and the work of the bilateral trade and investment working group.
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