Greek library in Moscow's international book fair
Despite the recession in the book market, the Moscow book fair is keeping its momentum🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The "Greek Library" in Russia acquires new editions that were officially presented at the International Book Fair in Moscow, at the historic and refurbished VDNKG venue, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary.
"Despite the recession in the book market, the Moscow book fair is keeping its momentum, seeking a new character to promote book love through new forms such as the children's book..." Culture Ministry’s secretary general Nikolas Giatromanolakis said to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA).
"The long-standing ties between the two countries are well-known, and we will work so as to embrace today's intellectual production and not just dwell on what used to be. We will work on the book, the visual arts, the cinema music to give the Russian public a more contemporary and global image of our country," he said.
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